Friday, December 26, 2008

Will Allen Iverson be the "Answer" to the Detroit Lions' rotten football season?

No, we're not talking about practice. We're not talking about basketball either. We're actually talking about Football here.

The NFL’s Detroit Lions at 0- 15 as of this writing are winless and are on track of finishing the worst season in franchise history as well as an ignominious record of ending the season without a win. The team is the laughingstock of the football world and is the butt of all kinds of jokes in this football- crazy city.

I can still remember vividly what the driver of the Ford Rouge Factory tour bus had said when we passed by and pointed at the Lions’ training facility in Allen Park on our way to the F- 150 factory in Dearborn, “that’s the state of the art training center of the Detroit Lions, they got all the beautiful high tech toys and gadgets in there. If only they learn how to win a game, my world will be better.”

Yes, the Lions, the odd-man out in Detroit’s highly- successful Sports franchises is so pathetic that many people in Motown are actually clamoring for Allen Iverson to ditch the Pistons and lead the hapless Football team as its starting Quarterback even for a day, that is the Lions last game of the season at Lambeau Field against the Packers in Green Bay where they haven't won in years.

Now, of course that’s just one of the silly prepositions and the current outrageous joke circulating in various sports bars and tail-gating venues, that maybe, the Answer, who once played QB back in high school (and even won a state title back then) could be the answer to the team’s woes even for a day.

And with the current rot that the Lions are in, I really think that it's worth a try.


Anyway, here's A.I. playing QB and leading his team in High School...

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