Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beautiful Detroit!?

"In 1950, Michigan was 1 of 8 states in America that collectively produced 36% of the world's GNP."

"Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city in the world."

Detroit native and controversial superstar - rapper Eminem paid homage to his hometown in this video of Beautiful, the fourth single from his latest chart-topping and million-selling album “Relapse.”

The said video was shot at Detroit’s famous and historic landmarks from its golden years. Now these historic buildings like the Packard Motor Car Company Plant, the Beaux- Arts train station and the original Tigers Stadium that were built prior to 1914 are nothing but shadows of their former selves.

By watching the video, one can see the sad state of the City of Detroit nowadays; down on her knees and out of luck. Detroit may recover some of her pride someday but probably will never be able to equal much less, regain her glory days. It’s sad when a once beautiful city succumbs to urban decay.

The former Packard Motor Car Company plant once the home of the elegant and beautiful Packard- Studebaker automobiles which was designed by the Architect of Detroit, Albert Kahn and was the first reinforced concrete plant in the United States is now condemned to damnation.

The Beaux-Arts train station also known as the Michigan Central Station is now a junkyard; a refuge for the homeless and a haven for criminals and dope addicts. The sounds of trains coming and going were long gone in this part of the city and so this magnificent building designed by the same architects who made the New York Grand Central Station is to be demolished soon according to some knucklehead politicians using President Obama’s stimulus money.

The Tiger Stadium was the pantheon of the Tigers’ halcyon days when they went all the way to the top of the baseball world by winning the World Series in 1968 and 1984 respectively. Roger Maris jumpstarted his quest for the historic 61 in 1961 in the same field and Babe Ruth in 1921 recorded of what is now believed to be the longest verifiable home run in major league baseball history. It was also the hallowed ground where Lou Gehrig had his final game before he succumbed to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease that eventually was named after him

The original Tigers Stadium is gone, demolished completely just this month, a sorry fate that was sealed long ago by some corrupt politicians that runs the city. The pleas and efforts to save “The Corner” from the wrecking ball by the fans and conservationists alike went for naught. And it’s funny that with a single stroke of the pen, all the records and memories were swept into the dust bin of history.

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